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How to participate

The Core Participant application window has now closed. 

The Chair will now consider applications received for Core Participant status. The Inquiry will publish on the website in due course an updated list of those designated as Core Participants to the Inquiry.

It is important to emphasise that it is not necessary for all individuals, groups of individuals or organisations wishing to engage with the Inquiry to be designated as Core Participants. They may engage in a number of ways, for example by providing witness evidence or documents to the Inquiry on matters relevant to the Terms of Reference. The website will be updated regularly with information about the Inquiry.  Subject to any legal orders, or other reasons of confidentiality, the evidence that is heard and documents referred to at Inquiry hearings will be published on the Inquiry’s website. Transcripts of Inquiry hearings will, subject to any legal orders, be available on the website. Other information about the Inquiry will also be published on the website. Further information can be found in the FAQs section.

If you think you might have relevant evidence to give the Inquiry regarding its terms of reference, please contact us by email: Please do not send medical records by email.